Covid Python Delays Play + BlueSky

I got hit pretty hard by covid which has limited my engagement for the last 5 months, and it isn’t done with me yet. Hope for better luck for the rest of you.

I have been developing a set of python packages that let me download and manipulate the data way faster, as well as allowing for automated testing and fast prototyping.

I’m moving towards BlueSky (, and away from X (@ReesCatOphuls), but will likely post in both places for a while.

My first graphic: °C Milestones – From First Appearance to Permanence used the Berkeley Earth dataset (See GMST Data Sets), which were pretty easy to use.

My second graphic: 1000 Days above 1.5C before Trend passes 1.5C? uses Copernicus ERA-5 data, which seemed easy to use, but as per my rather dull article Copernicus 1850-1900 Baseline – Daily GMST Anomaly … it turned out that getting an accuracy of better than 0.05C per day needed quite a bit more work, testing and calibration against the numbers published directly by Copernicus themselves. When I finally update the 1000-days graphic with the latest data, some of the numbers will change a bit for the “>0.25C”, “>0.5C”, “>0.75C”, “>1.00C”, “>1.25C” series .. due to the improved accuracy. The actual graph lines basically don’t move from the original. Amazingly we have had zero days over 1.75C since I created that graphic.

I have a bunch of new ideas to keep me busy, so I’ll be posting some new graphics over the next few weeks.

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