Website Status
February – 2025: I continue to use this website to post interesting Climate Graphics, analysis and a few Articles, regarding the Global Climate. Webpages provide details for the graphics I post.
- Blue Sky ( – For my Climate Graphics
- Blue Sky ( – Single issue account (See Global Warming Baseline Adjustments). Only used to add Blue Sky comments, regarding what adjustment is needed to re-baseline whatever graphic, to use “Pre-industrial” (1850-1900)
- Twitter (@ReesCatOphuls) – Deactivated in Jan 2025
See Log of Updates for the latest, and Errata for details of any mistakes / improvements.
About “Paris Agreement Temperature Index” Website
The website is maintained by an individual, based in Brighton UK. I have a mathematical degree and a software background.
As you should have no reason to trust my work (being a random anonymous person on the internet), I aim to make sure any work I produce can be easily re-created. Each graphic I post on BlueSky has a page on this website, explaining how it was created, and showing some of the sanity checks performed.
All data processing, analysis and Climate Graphics are best-efforts, and automated testing / sanity checks are used to avoid mistakes, but there is no team picking up on anything that is incorrect. Fear of embarrassing mistakes will give me a fair bit of motivation to get things right. Constructive criticism is welcome regarding mistakes, mis-conceptions, data issues and/or pointing me towards others who have done similar work already. I have added a page: Errata to state where I have fixed things.
If there are any interesting ideas for further climate related visualisations I can add, I am interested. Just post a comment in one of the blogs. The website, blue-sky handle and twitter handles will remain anonymous. I am not hiding my identity, but I’m not broadcasting it either. I have reached out to a few people, who were interested.
Website Purpose
This website is inspired by my frustrations with reporting on the 1.5C and 2.0C Paris Agreement targets. As per Climate Reporting – Why so many different values, I keep seeing news articles where you read something like: it is 1.1C, 1.54C, 1.48C … all in the same article, but no acknowledgement that this seems ridiculous. Especially “if every tenth of a degree counts”. For the unwary it just sounds like NumberWang (YouTube clip of NumberWang comedy sketch). When you read the article carefully, you realise the numbers are all correct, but they are telling you different things. E.g.
- Temperature for one day from one data source
- Temperature averaged over a month, from a different dataset with a different baseline
- Temperature representing “The Climate”, using one smoothing method (30-year-running-average)
- Temperature representing “The Climate”, using another smoothing method (15-year-centred-average-with-climate-model-projection-for-future-months)
Huge thanks to the key Institutions that make their GMST Data Sets available, with global temperature data.
It has been really interesting seeing the stories pop out of the data, with the graphics I have created.
After spending time with the data, and trying to learn what it is telling us, I started to realise that the differences between data sources and “smoothing” choices, can at most make about 15 years / 0.4C GMST difference. Of course, with so much focus on the Paris Agreement “1.5C”, that is quite a large range. When articles jump around between baselines, timescales, datasets, models … the unwary / uninitiated can be left totally confused.
The more time I spend on this, the more I realised that the best way to think of global warming, is as an index, where you need to look at both the “current global temperature definition” and the impacts for the given temperatures:
- The 2018 IPCC SR 1.5 (page 4) report uses (30 years centred on the present date, with 15 years of past data and assuming trend is projected forwards 15 years. So the “impacts of 1.5C and 2.0C” that are mentioned are indexed against that definition of 1.5 / 2.0
- The IPCC AR6 WG1 (page 17) report has a passage where it talks about centre of 20 years.
- The Paris Agreement doesn’t define it, and therefore I have heard many many variations as everyone make up their own definition. Mostly sensible, but all subtly different.
Of course there are other valid points:
- Global Mean Surface Temperature (GMST)is a measure which has some drawbacks.
- There is a lot of yearly / decadal oscillations
- It is quite an abstract measurement, and the GMST temperature changes seem tiny, when compared to:
- Daily temperature ranges for individual humans
- Seasonal change between winter and summer
- Regional differences between temperatures that humans successfully live
- There are arguably better and less volatile measures of how the earth is gaining energy / heat:
- Ocean Heat Content – As a measure of the stock of additional heat the earth is holding
- Earth Energy Imbalance – As a measure of the flow of additional heat we are gaining per unit time.
- Key Climate Indicators – Factors that affect the points above
- Global Mean Surface Temperature should be thought of as “an index”
- E.g. 1.5C (once fully defined), means … these consequences…
- This is something I’m working towards. Is there a single scale. that could be created, against which all the others are pegged / index. This is probably too much to chew off, but I’m thinking on it.