STATUS: Still in development/testing – Hoping to have it ready in mid/late Jan 2025, at which point I will use “” … to comment on bluesky with the adjustments for graphs posted on Bluesky.
Find below, the relevant conversion table, to allow you adjust the values on a graph you are viewing, to values relative to “Pre-Industrial” (1850-1900). See Baseline Adjustment Evidence to see how the adjustment values were calculated and see Baseline Adjustment Examples for examples of conversions. (About me).
Convert Copernicus 1991-2020 baseline to Copernicus 1850-1900
Convert Copernicus 1981-2010 baseline to Copernicus 1850-1900
Convert GISS TEMP (NASA) 1951-1980 baseline to GISS TEMP 1850-1900
Add 0.19C (This is fairly rough, couldn’t find to much GISS TEMP data baselined to 1850-1900). Only have adjustment for a full year, not for individual months.
Convert GISS TEMP (NASA) 1880-1899 baseline to GISS TEMP 1850-1900
Convert NOAA 1901-2000 baseline to NOAA 1850-1900
Add 0.17C (This is fairly rough, couldn’t find to much NOAA data baselined to 1850-1900). Only have adjustment for a full year, not for individual months.
Convert Berkeley Earth 1850-1900 baseline to Berkeley Earth 1850-1900
Add 0.00C. As per Baseline Adjustment Evidence section on Berkeley Earth, I haven’t found any graphics that have a baseline other than 1850-1900, so therefore there is no conversion required.
See Baseline Adjustment Evidence (and search for the “Evidence Reference” E.g. “Ref-Cop-1991-2020-Sep”), to for links to published articles, which confirm that the Baseline adjustment values in the table above are correct. Let me know if you dispute any of the values, by posting a comment in the one of the blog posts, or by posting on BlueSky (See About page)
See Baseline Adjustment Examples (and search for the “Evidence Reference” E.g. “Ref-Cop-1991-2020-Sep”). I don’t have examples for every variant, but enough to get the idea.
The examples below show how to get “Paris Agreement” global warming values.
For example, take a graph which has a baseline (such as 1991-2020), and adding a value to get “Paris Agreement” global warming anomalies. E.g. adjustments, to give you the values for a “Pre-Industrial” baseline. (E.g. 1850-1900).